Donate & Support Our Work
Animal welfare is a cause that needs our attention and support. Neglected, abused, and abandoned animals need our help, and even a small donation of €4 can make a positive change in an animal's life. In Offaly, there are many animals that are in dire need of care and attention. While not everyone can volunteer or foster, there are still ways to help, such as making donation to cover veterinary bills and food expenses, donating animal food, or even adopting a homeless pet. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of these animals, and the reward of helping them is immeasurable.
Every donation that we receive goes directly towards the animals in our care.
Thank you on behalf of the animals!
Bank details for OSPCA:
A.I.B 5/6 William Street, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.
Sort Code 93-22-56
Account Number 21901041
IBAN IE84AIBK93225621901041

OSPCA Dog & Cat Food Donation Boxes
Looking to make a difference in your community? Consider donating cat or dog food to our organisation. We have donation boxes in 3 locations across Offaly;
Tesco Tullamore
SuperValu Birr
Tesco Edenderry
As we have a large number of nursing mother cats, kittens and pregnant cats in our foster homes, we would greatly appreciate cat food donations. Dog food donations are also welcome.
Your contribution will help us care for nursing mother cats, kittens, pregnant cats and dogs in our foster homes. Please support and donate to this great cause. Thank you to all the shops who have allowed us to place the boxes on their premises and thank you to all the people who have donated food so far.

Fundraising & Funding
As a registered and approved animal rescue charity, Offaly Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is managed and run entirely by volunteers. OSPCA is reliant on funds from a number of sources to fund neutering and microchipping campaigns, and to provide help for sick, injured or suffering animals.
Funding sources include:
Donations from the public
Fundraising initiatives
An applied for animal welfare grant from the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM)
All funds and funding are used for animals and their welfare. Donations from the public are made through Pay Pal, Facebook, Direct Debits, Church Gate collections and general donations. Fundraising events include raffles, table quizzes, coffee mornings, school fundraisers, animal food collection boxes and donated items for sale in our “Corner Closet” space at our office in Tullamore.
The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine’s applied for grant for use in 2024 awarded OSPCA a greatly appreciated grant of €42,425. Offaly County Council awarded OSPCA a very welcome once off grant of €1500 from their Community Support Fund to purchase additional trap cages, holding cages & equipment for use with TNR of feral cats in Offaly.
All funding is greatly appreciated and carefully and wisely used to support, prevent suffering, and improve the lives of as many animals as possible in Offaly.